Out of all the things I’ve photographed, couples have been my most favorite thing to shoot. Now, weddings have become part of my top faves. The spur of the moment, the adrenaline rush, the simple moments, and tiny details, all the joyful emotions. The entire occasion itself is all about love. Love for and from family, love for and from friends, and love for your soul mate, your meant to be. It’s truly so awe inspiring.
For most of you who know, it hasn't even been a full week since the wedding, and I've already got pics up... I just couldn't help myself and I couldn't wait to share! I shot this wedding with two amazing photographers: Caitlyn and Caroline. It was their first as well, so it was nice to have each others moral support haha. We had a wonderful time being a part of the wedding and we learned how exhausting wedding photography is! Look forward to many more weddings!