Welcome to my blog! Wanna know what one of my most favorite parts of being a photographer has been? It's seeing the reaction of those I photograph upon seeing the final results. The excitement and the joy... for once someone else can feel and understand the very same passion and excitement that I find for photography and art! And I hope that with this blog, those visiting it will be able to experience the same feeling of awe and joy that I feel as a photographer each and every time I take a photograph. Enjoy!
For about a week and a half now, I've been in California! While here, I have had the privilege of taking Ms. Selina's senior portraits :) It was truly an eventful day, and after a messy (and stinky) accident...
(This poor guy got sick in the car)
We weren't sure if we'd actually have time for a shoot! But we did :) And the results were awesome! Hope you enjoy!
This family is very special to me :) They were one of my very first clients and they truly believed that I had the potential to be a photographer. I remember Michelle telling me that she and her family were so excited to get their photos taken by a professional photographer, and me blushing and telling her I was no professional and that I'd probably never become one :) I still feel that way, but alas, it's always nice to have people who believe in you.
Anyway, this shoot was interesting... In all actuality, the weather was extremely overcast and rain was predicted and I had all but given up hope of a photo shoot. The Kendrick's however, opted to ignore the weather and push forward for a photo shoot. And push forward we did :) For which I am so glad. Hope you enjoy!