1. Editing takes HOURS and WEEKS. The quality that you see in my work may seem effortless, but in reality, it’s hard. The photographs that come out of the camera look nothing like the final result that you as a client will receive. Below is an example of what a photograph looks like straight out of the camera and after it has been edited.
Much thought, concentration, and time goes into getting the colors just right, smoothening and evening the skin tone, lightening the eyes, getting the right amount of contrast and brightness… The hours spent in perfecting each image are typically what you pay for in regards to the session fee.
2.Another thing you as a client pay for is the photographer’s style, talent, and quality artistry. Good photos do not come about by mere chance. As easy as we make things look, a photographer spends years learning the basics of photography, posing, and lighting. Once those are learned, we as photographers begin to develop our own style that no other photographer can imitate entirely. That specific style and quality is what you pay for. It’s why a person despite the price, chooses a Coach purse over a Wal-Mart purse. A BMW over a Ford Taurus. The quality and style of a Coach purse and a BMW far exceeds those of a Wal-Mart purse or a Ford Taurus. Likewise with photography.
3.Professional Photographs=Art. This somewhat goes hand in hand with number 2. I’m sure all photographers would agree when I say that we all take pride in our work. As mentioned earlier, a lot of time, energy, and creativity go into what becomes the final result AKA the photograph. So, in reality, when you hire a photographer, you are hiring an artist to take your face, your family, your life and turn it into a piece of art infused with their own style. Cool huh? Your photographs become a piece of artwork :D It’s why photographs cost a little extra because they’re one of-a-kind creations.
4.Ordering prints from a photographer=FANTASTIC, QUALITY prints. Remember, I used to give CDs away, but I’ve seen the difference in Wal-mart prints and pro lab prints… There is no comparison.
5.Photographs last longer than CDs… From personal experience, I know that if I have a CD of photographs, I am less likely to print them simply because I’m lazy (and on occasion, cheap). However, I remember finding an old CD of photographs labeled “Freshman Year” and dying to see the photographs. Sadly, the CD was so damaged that I was unable to see the photos… and now they are gone forever. If I had printed them, I would’ve still had them. But I didn’t. That’s why I hesitate and dislike giving clients a CD of the photos. Ordering prints instead of CDs from me will guarantee that you will have physical photographs that will be cherished for a lifetime by you, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren.
6.Finally, getting your photos taken is an investment. Photographs capture a time in life that you’ll never get back again, yet having the photographs to remind you will be worth so much to you in the future when your kids have all grown up, when your life has moved on, when your hair has turned gray… You’ll be glad you invested in some wonderful captured memories close to your heart.
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